Blessed With A Curse Read online




  Copyright © 2022 by Katie Cherry

  All rights reserved.

  Cover by Ryan Schwarz.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  You don’t have to be devoid of fear to be a hero.


  1. Paige

  2. Paige

  3. Nikandros

  4. Paige

  5. Nikandros

  6. Paige

  7. Nikandros

  8. Paige

  9. Nikandros

  10. Paige

  11. Nikandros

  12. Paige

  13. Nikandros

  14. Paige

  15. Nikandros

  16. Paige

  17. Nikandros

  18. Paige

  19. Nikandros

  20. Paige



  About the Author

  Also by Katie Cherry

  Sneak Peek at GODS’ GRACE



  Even illegal magic users have days where they feel like the walking dead.

  My exhaustion is not easy to fight off since I prefer to avoid caffeine, but today I'm desperate. As rough and mind-numbing as pharmacology is, I have to do well on this test. Staring down at the bright white paper spread before me on the desk, I only wrestle with what to do for a moment.

  After all, it's not like I've been caught any time in the last twenty-four years. Something like this has essentially no chance to expose me.

  I close my eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath. Reaching for the magic inside of me is easy, instinctive, at this point. It may be illegal to practice magic, thanks to Zeus, but that only applies if you're caught.

  After nearly twenty-four years of life, during most of which I've been secretly honing my skills, I'm strong. I know I am, because my mother seemed to be about this powerful when she was caught and killed, and she was the strongest anyone had seen in decades.

  Losing my family is something I always think about just before using my magic, but I don't let it stop me from going through with it. My mother always wanted me to be who I am, and my magic is a big part of that. I may be risking my life each day, but at least I'm living it like she would have wanted me to.

  The magic snaps through me, electrifying my nerves and rousing my mind from its fatigued stupor.

  I let my head fall back with a small, inaudible sigh of relief before opening my eyes, refreshed and ready to get a great score on this test. When I pick my pencil back up, however, I notice someone's eyes on me. As the hairs all across my body stand on end, I slowly turn to find a boy I vaguely recognize staring at me, his thick eyebrows lowered over his dull blue-green eyes.

  Desperately trying to play it cool and not expose myself with my own panic, I raise an eyebrow at him in a way that says "What are you looking at?". He doesn't immediately back down, but does glance away. Forcing my breathing to stay steady, I go back to my test, though if I thought my mind wasn't in it before, it sure isn't now.

  Oh, Gods. That guy... I don't know for sure if he really knows that I just used magic, but he might have deduced what just happened. There are fanatics, after all, who are actively on the lookout for magic users, hoping that reporting them or even murdering them in the hopes they will be blessed by the Gods.

  Joke’s on them, of course, the Gods barely pay attention to us outside of answering prayers reporting magic users so they can kill them. I've also not known any Hunters or even Reporters so young, but I certainly can't take any chances.

  The pencil in my hand nearly snaps as I fill in B for the next question. I will definitely have to be wary of this guy. If he even has a suspicion, he could pray and report it for one of the Gods to investigate themselves.

  Of course, keeping an eye on him or even standing a chance to convince him I'm normal would be far easier if I had anyone to help. I haven't been able to trust anyone with my secret. Not even my best friends and roommates.

  Though, come to think of it, I might be able to get one of them to help me without revealing anything.

  I don't spend too long over-thinking any of the remaining questions, figuring the possibility of getting a lower score is far less important than saving my life. All the while, I sit twisted slightly in my chair so I'm able to watch the dark-haired boy from the corner of my eye, my heart hammering in my chest.

  I have always been cautious enough that I haven't had too many close calls like this. Each one gets more terrifying than the last. Is this the day that I die? won't stop running through my mind until this event is firmly behind me.

  I finish my test before most of the others in the class, so I feel a little awkward walking in front of them all to turn it in. Normally, I take my time on tests, making sure to go over it thoroughly and catch any trick questions or clumsily worded answers, but I just don't have time today.

  I have to get out of here.

  As I leave, the professor giving me a distracted nod of farewell as I pass him, I pull out my phone, texting as fast as I can think.

  Guys. OMG. This guy in class was staring at me so weird. I know it's crazy, but I'm terrified he thinks I am a magic user! If I say anything about it, though, he'll just see it as me being defensive and turn me in to the Gods. What do I do??

  The group chat immediately blows up with the support of my friends. OMG girl, who is this guy? Let me talk to him! There's no way we're letting him take you out!

  Another replies, Paige! How scary! I'll talk to him! After a moment, the third joins in, simply asking, Where are you right now? Headed your way!

  Relief floods me at the unhesitant support. If there is any issue with this guy, it's looking like it will be handled without me putting myself into a dangerous position. I text back, letting them know which building I'm in and the room number, then describe the guy to them.

  Nicole gets to me first, panting lightly from running from the library, where she must have been studying. "I think I know about this guy, Paige. Apparently he's a weirdo who constantly skulks around girls he thinks stand out as being too smart or capable or whatever. He almost always gets called out and backs off, but I don't think you're too far off. He's looking for people to report to the Gods."

  We fall silent for a moment as another girl slips out of the room. I'm jealous of the relief on her face. She has no idea how nice her life is to only stress about getting through medical school and not avoiding being murdered at every turn.

  "So what's the plan, then?" I ask Nicole, feeling unusually nervous and exposed.

  She grins at me as Emily comes up behind her, blonde ponytail swinging. "I get in his face about being a creep and he leaves you alone."

  I figure she means when he gets out of class, so I'm shocked when Nicole throws open the doors and struts inside, leaving me to stand behind her with huge eyes and a hand covering my gasp.

  "You!" she shouts, pointing at the guy as he stands, completed test in his hand. "You freaking creep! Stay away from my friend. If I hear about you making her uncomfortable with your staring again, your only warning will be from my fist. People like you make me sick- and I'm happy to let everyone know it." She turns toward the professor and gives him a charming smile. "Sorry for interrupting your class, professor."

  I can't help but chuckle when she walks back to me with a triumphant grin. "You're lucky he's not your professor," I point out. "He would have slashed your attendance grade without a thought for that outburst."

  Emily's laughing too, which picks up when she peeks through the window on the door. "Nicole, oh my Gods, you must have scared that kid so bad! He's pale and is glancing around at everyone like he's scared they'll judge him. Which, they are, hardcore. Even the guys are pulling away from him."

  "Aww, I missed the whole thing?" Brianna moans as she rushes into the building. "Figures I had to be all the way across campus. Please tell me you made him rethink his entire life?" she begs Nicole.

  Nicole tells her about it as we walk to get lunch with Emily throwing in descriptions of everyone's reactions. I just watch with a smile, gratitude filling me up, though it's a little bittersweet. I just endangered my own life, and these girls stepped up in a way no one else ever had.

  And I still can't tell them my secret.

  By the time we sit down with our food, the conversation has turned from rude, creepy magic hunters to my birthday. I knew it was coming, but I still wish they'd just forget all about it.

  "So, Paige, are you ready to meet your one true love?" Brianna asks, raising her eyebrows meaningfully as her blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

  "First of all, you know I don't really believe there's any such thing as 'one true love,' I sigh, leaning back in my chair, my enthusiasm about my fresh turkey sandwich gone.

  "Secondly, I don't believe that silly town legend. You know how long it's been around? Thousands of girls had to have touched that statue by now, hoping it would release a handsome guy meant to be their soulmate. It's just the best tourist attraction a primarily mining town can scrape together."

  "Well, the statue guy is hot," Nicole comments, licking fry salt off her fingers. "You don't even want to see if he could be your hunk? It's your twenty-fourth birthday tomorrow, girl! You know we have to do t
his. Your time has come to awaken your true mate!"

  "I know you think we have to do this," I admit with a small smile. "But I don't have to believe anything will happen like you all do."

  Emily grins. "If he doesn't wake for you, then maybe he will for me in a few months." She winks, and the other two laugh and the conversation then turns to how awesome it would be to have a husband who looks like that. Nicole already had her turn touching the statue, but that doesn't keep her from daydreaming with the rest of them.

  All it does for me, however, is unearth a dream that I've been doing my best to forget about. I've always had dreams where my magic activates on its own and exposes me, at least ever since my family was killed for having magic, but lately it's gotten more specific.

  The statue may be of a hot guy, yes, but touching that chunk of stone is the last thing I want to do. Not when it's become the object of my nightmares.

  I can't touch it.

  The chances are just too high that my magic will be activated by it, whether it actually releases a person or not.

  If I get near it, that statue will bring about my death.



  The sound of feet hitting the pavement sounds loud in my ears, the constant rhythm rushing in time with my breathing. Closing my eyes for a moment, I take in the feeling of the light rain- more of a misting, really- coating my face before increasing my pace.

  This late at night, no one's around to see me run. It's easily my favorite time. It's a secret time. The world has no idea what I get up to after they've all gone to bed, which makes for the best time to practice my magic and get more in touch with myself and honor what's left of my family legacy.

  Tonight, though, I have to settle for only having exercise to work through my anxiety. The girls are all staying up studying, though I know it's really just a cover for the surprise party they intend to throw me as soon as I get back from my run.

  They all tried so hard to keep it a surprise that I can't spoil it by letting them know how transparent they really are in their excitement and planning, so I played dumb when they asked me if I was going for a run tonight, like I didn't know they just needed me to be gone for a while so they can set up.

  Part of me wishes I didn't have to go back at all. As soon as I do, my friends will be dragging me to the town statue and taking a picture of me with it. When I touch it, I just know that it will send up a signal to the Gods of a powerful magic user... and my life will be over.

  Here, the air is silent and heavy with moisture. It carries nothing but life and a quiet energy as it storms. The pavement is sure beneath my feet, and the whole town smells better each moment that the storm cleanses it, the mine dust turning it nearly black on the ground.

  I could stay here forever.

  I know I can't run from my anxiety for long, and putting up too much of a fight or running away just to avoid touching the statue will get me pegged as a magic user as much as touching the statue might.

  Time to face the music, I sigh to myself, turning to finish my route back at the house we're all renting together. Maybe this won't expose me anyway. I have gone undetected so far, after all, and I've done a lot more dangerous things than touching sculpted stone. Even just the incident this morning was far more dangerous than this.

  Comforted, I'm able to bring a smile to my face without having to force it when I get home and find the lights off. Pushing open the door, I step inside and start my ritual of wiping my feet clean on the doormat and wringing what water I can from my dirty blonde hair, ready for the girls to jump out at any moment.

  "Surprise!" they scream, throwing on the lights and jumping up from behind the light brown couch, the old, worn cushions on the back easily giving beneath their hands.

  I feign surprise, putting a hand to my chest as I look at them, and then the decorations, with my mouth agape. "I thought you guys had to study tonight! You did all this while I was on my run?"

  Emily giggles and comes up to me for a hug. "Well you do run for like, ever, so it wasn't hard. And studying was just our cover so we could surprise you. I mean, come on, tomorrow is Saturday, we have more time to study after enjoying a bit of the weekend!"

  "Oh, true," I chuckle, accepting a hug from Nicole and Brianna next. "Well thanks, you guys! This is so cute," I continue, indicating the rabbit and owl and fox decorations around the room beneath glittery pink streamers.

  Nicole checks the time, then nods to herself. "We have some time before midnight, so let's have some cake!"

  My stomach drops at the reminder of the plan for tonight, but I smile and follow them to the white and blue frosted cake. "Brianna, this cake looks awesome," I say as Nicole slices into it and hands it to me on one of our many paper plates.

  "Thanks," she blushes. "I probably put a little too much effort into the frosting, but it was just so fun!"

  Emily moans as she bites into her piece. "Are you sure you want to be a nurse when you can make such amazing desserts?"

  "Girl, don't go trying to change my mind now!" Brianna retorts sarcastically. "I only have a semester left before I graduate!"

  Everyone's laughter is cut short by Nicole's alarm going off. "It's time!" she squeals excitedly, taking the rest of my raspberry lemon cake and putting it back on the table. "Let's go get Paige her man!"

  They all squeal again, rushing to get ready to go out into the rain, and next thing I know, I'm surrounded and being marched toward the source of my sense of impending doom, and all I can do is smile.

  It feels more like a grimace once the statue comes into view. The guy they must have modeled it after is, admittedly, objectively, quite hot, so I choose to focus on that as we approach.

  It's hard to tell how tall the model might have been, since the man isn't standing up straight, but leaning forward with one knee on the ground. His gaze seems to follow his outstretched hand. I always thought the position looked caring, like he was reaching out to help someone up from the ground, but as we near him now, I see a whole other side to the story.

  He looks scared. Hurt, even, and possibly betrayed. It could be all in my head, reflecting my own emotional turmoil, but I almost feel a bond with him now, different from when I saw us both as caring healers.

  We're really both just wounded, scared, and abandoned.

  "Whoa, Paige, that's a pretty heavy look on your face," Nicole points out after I realize I've been staring, frozen, at the statue for a few seconds longer than would be normal. "You know this isn't actually going to change anything, right? Like you said, hundreds of girls come here to do this every year."

  "Right," I breathe, blowing out the breath that caught in my lungs when she pointed out how I froze. "Sorry, I was just remembering that test today."

  Emily chokes on a laugh. "Oh Gods, Paige. Only you could be worried about how you did on a test while facing the possible love of your life in the middle of the greatest birthday celebration of all time."

  I smile back at her, my heart warming for a moment. She doesn't know just how right she is. It might have been a hurried celebration before they dragged me back out into the misty rain, but I haven't had a lot of birthdays like that, growing up tossed around in Foster care. I've never felt so loved.

  Posing for a picture with the statue is really the least I can do for them, despite my terror.

  "Alright. I'm ready."

  "Whoo!" Brianna leads the cheer as she takes my hand and drags me over to the statue. She backs away to get out of the picture, but my eyes are on the statue's chiseled face.

  Man, if the men around here looked like this maybe I wouldn't have ended up so dubious about love. Those dimples could melt any girl's heart, and I'm no exception.

  "Come on girl, hold his hand or something!" Nicole calls, her phone at the ready. All three stare at me expectantly, so I smile, fix my wet ponytail as best I can, and hover my hand just behind the statue's lowered one, sure it will hide the fact that I'm not actually touching the stone.