Dragon Blood- The Complete Trilogy Read online

Page 3

  “Soooo not as much fun,” Jake replied, crinkling his nose.

  Myra’s vision began to fade, the two men growing more out of focus by the second. Still, her mind tried to figure out what kind of insane game these Denver Demons were playing. Clearly, they were crazy. …But Jake’s offhand explanation for her chronic pain seemed to… feel right in a way none of her previous diagnoses had before. As her vision began to lose color and her nausea increased, she closed her eyes. Since she was dying, she might as well buy into it and go out believing in something, even if it was dragons.

  It felt nice to finally have an explanation. Even if it was from a guy who was willingly killing her.

  Closing her eyes, she slowly faded out of consciousness, the two men talking fading into the background. I could certainly go out in a worse way, she sluggishly thought to herself, picturing herself with dragon wings, soaring effortlessly through the sky. It’s like falling asleep… but my body… it feels… it feels so… comfortable… A crash sounded somewhere, but she was beyond caring and hardly noticed it, nor the clamor following.

  She continued to slowly spiral out of consciousness until everything finally went black, and she was unaware of anything.

  Chapter Four

  Voices. She was surrounded by voices… but she didn’t recognize any of them. Giving a soft grunt to communicate her disapproval of being pulled from her slumber, the voices stopped at once. Satisfied, she slipped back out of touch with the world.


  Something was touching her. It felt nice. She snuggled closer to it, enjoying the warmth it was slowly pulsing through her body. With a contented sigh, she relaxed and fell back asleep.


  “I don’t know if she’s going to make it,” a voice sounded softly, tight with concern.

  “You’ve been healing her, right?” a female voice responded.

  “Well, yes, but we’re almost back and she’s still out cold. …We might have been too late.”

  A pause followed the words, and although Myra couldn’t concentrate on the meaning of the words, she fought to stay alert long enough to see what the response would be from this man beside her and girl a few feet away. The ground seemed to move beneath them as she waited, increasing her nausea. Finally, a response came.

  “…She’ll just have to be tough. We’ll do all we can for her… but the rest isn’t up to us.”


  Something smelled bad. Forcing eyelids that felt like stone to lift, Myra peered down and found the source of the smell. The fancy red shirt that Harper had lent her was covered in vomit. She gagged. The sound brought another face into her field of vision, and soft, concerned eyes frantically searched her face.

  “Hey! Are you okay? How are you doing?”

  Wrinkling her nose, she only had the energy to look back at the soiled shirt. Nodding in understanding, the boy, who she vaguely recognized from the bar earlier, shifted to better help her remove the shirt. He held it gingerly, ensuring it was inside-out. Myra attempted to give him a weak, thankful smile before leaning back into what seemed to be the seat of a car and closing her eyes, exhausted.


  She felt better the next time she ventured back into the waking world, and felt like more time had passed, although she couldn’t be sure how much. Her head was throbbing in time with her abdomen, and her vision was blurry. Her glasses… something must have happened to them. …What exactly did happen? She wondered to herself, slowly heaving herself upright on a small, plain bed and looking around. The room was small and plain, with a simple desk, lamp, and bed providing the only furnishing against a white wall and beige carpet.

  She finally located her glasses on the desk beside the bed. They had broken and were taped back together. She wondered at who had rescued her as she slipped the glasses back over her ears. They seemed to care about her comfort, judging by the effort of fixing her glasses. Glancing down at herself, she started in surprise. She had forgotten she was only wearing a skirt, tights, a tank top, and… the red shirt that the boy at the bar had helped her out of after she had vomited on it. Her face burned at the hazy memory. I had to have been seriously out of it to have some guy help me take my shirt off. Ohhhhh, Harper’s gonna kill me, she moaned to herself, realizing she had lost the sandals and the purse, and had ruined the expensive shirt that she had lent her.

  “Hey,” a soft voice cautiously spoke up by the door. She whirled to face him. It was that same boy, with those stormy blue eyes. Her brain slowly worked to place a name to the face. …Rhys? “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m… uh…” Her throat caught as she tried to speak, sending her into a coughing fit rather than giving him an answer. In a flash, he was by her side with a glass of water. She thankfully chugged it, realizing as she did so that her breath was seriously horrendous. “How… long…”

  “It’s only been a little over a day since we rescued you. You slept the rest of the night, all day, and then through the night again,” Rhys responded, searching her face as though desperate to see if she was okay. “We’ve been worried. Seriously, how are you feeling?”

  She cleared her throat, wishing for more water already. “My throat’s dry. My head hurts, and my… my guts hurt, but that’s normal for me.”

  “Oh, right, sorry, I should be soothing that constantly, sorry for the slip-up,” he immediately replied, along with a wave of relief washing over her, taking the edge off of everything- especially her ever-present abdomen pain.

  “Oh my gosh! How did you do that?!” she screams, leaping up from the bed.

  “Sorry! I’m sorry!” he immediately apologized. “I can stop…”

  “Don’t! Please, don’t. I’m sorry, it’s just… nothing has ever been able to help that pain.” Her eyes watered, for once from relief rather than pain. “I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this good.”

  He relaxed, giving her a relieved smile. “I’m glad. Though hopefully, if you choose to, of course, you’d eventually feel even better than that.”

  “Oh, come on. That would take some serious magic,” she laughed, stopping at his serious, but bashful look. “Wait… you can’t be serious?”

  “Well, I don’t want to overwhelm you…”

  Blowing out a breath, Myra sits back down next to him on the bed. “Honestly, at this point, I’ll believe whatever I have to. Whatever can take away that pain.”

  He gave her a smile so caring she teared up a little and her heart did a weird melting thing. A daring look then sparked in his eyes, and she felt his hand suddenly touch her face, gently stroking her cheek. “Myra, I promise you, I can help you take away that pain. Forever. And I’m seriously awed that you would believe me so readily. I don’t want it to seem like I’m taking advantage of that trust, so I’m still going to help you learn about what I am slowly.”

  It took a moment for her to break his gaze, finally lowering her eyes to her hands clenched on her lap. “Okay,” she finally squeaked out. Her eyes flitted back up to his, catching his smile as he stood, lifting her by the hand until she followed.

  “Ready to go meet the others?” he gently asked, squeezing her hand reassuringly. She gulped, uncertain. “We’ll get you some food at the same time,” he promised. Her stomach groaned before the words had even finished leaving his lips. Shaking her head ruefully, Myra nodded her acceptance.

  He led her down a hall by the hand, which Myra was immensely grateful for. He both steadied her shaking body and strengthened her drained spirits, with just his calm presence and firm grip on her hand. A tiny smile lifted her lips as she looked at the back of his head as he then guided her down some stairs. Funnily enough, it’s like I did go home with him, like Harper insisted I do. I mean, here I am… still wearing hardly any clothes… hand in hand with a gorgeous man… possibly a dragon if that Jake guy was telling the truth… in a house that is certainly not my own. Man, my life took a weird turn. But I’m ready to embrace anything to keep that horrible pain away.

It had only been a minute since Rhys had mysteriously healed her, but already she was loathe to go back, quickly growing accustomed to her new norm. A normal that she had always craved but never had the heart to really picture coming to pass… yet here she was! Okay, granted, her situation was anything but normal, but by everything wonderful in the world, her. pain. was. gone.

  The smell of bacon greeted her nose and she nearly had to refrain from running down the rest of the huge staircase, leaving Rhys in the dust in her pursuit of food. Besides knowing that it was terrible manners, she didn’t want to draw the attention of all the people- dragons?- in the room as she beelined it for the food that they were cooking. She swallowed a sudden lump in her throat. “How… how many of you are there?” she gulped. I am so not ready for this!

  Turning back to face her, he gave her a reassuring smile. “There are only five of us. Three guys, including myself, and two gals. Everyone’s really nice, don’t worry.” Offering up a thankful smile, she nodded. Still, she braced herself with a deep breath before they plunged into the kitchen.

  No one noticed them at first, which Myra was grateful for. She was filled with even more gratitude when Rhys stayed still, letting her observe the group rather than calling their attention over to her.

  A tall, petite blonde wearing very short denim shorts and a tank top was wearing an apron and flipping pancakes while chatting with a ruggedly handsome man who looked like he had popped right off of a magazine cover. The other guy was blond and was playing a card game with a brunette girl a little shorter than Myra. They all seemed super chill, and she relaxed a little, letting out the breath she had been holding. At once, they stiffened and their heads shot toward the two in the doorway.

  “She’s awake!” came the squeal from the two girls before they rushed toward her, the two guys following slower, but still clearly excited to meet the newcomer. Panic flared in Myra’s chest and she focused on shutting it down before she was suddenly wrapped in the girls’ arms as they clutched her to them.

  “Myra, right? Omg, I can’t believe you made it through! I mean, obviously I’m like, super glad for you, but those two… what, Denver Demons nearly drained you completely. Rhys had to sacrifice a lot of power in order to sustain you, since yours was so low it couldn’t recover on its own,” the blonde rapidly informed Myra as they pulled back.

  “Really?” Myra said, turning to look at Rhys, surprise on her face. He would sacrifice so much for me? I mean, obviously I don’t quite get everything that girl just said, but it sounds like it was pretty amazing what he did for me.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” he muttered, ducking his head as he ran a hand through his hair, clearly out of habit. “It regenerates quickly enough.”

  “Oh, Rhys, always so humble,” the brunette laughed, her arm still around Myra’s waist. “I’m Bonnie, by the way, and this is Cynthia,” she continued, gesturing to the blonde still standing close, eyeing Myra curiously. “Obviously you’ve met Rhys- he’s been like your guardian angel, never left your side, and he’s the one who Marked you at the bar and found you when you were kidnapped by those awful mutts- obviously we’re fine with mutts, it’s just that those two are legit awful- and that model of a man over there is Jasper, and that guy hanging where we can only just see him- he does that all the time, not very social- is Tavin.”

  “Bonnie!” Rhys interrupted as Bonnie drew another breath to keep feeding Myra information. “I’ve been trying to not overwhelm her with everything.” His voice was heavy with meaning. Bonnie immediately nodded and finally let go of Myra’s waist.

  “Oh, right! Sorry.” She smiled at Myra in apology.

  “It’s alright… I might just need some reminders once my brain is functioning a little better,” Myra awkwardly said, the tips of her ears burning from the attention. Tavin, having seen his fill, slunk back into the kitchen to make sure nothing burned. The two girls hurried to help.

  As they did, Myra finally relaxed a little. Now it was just Rhys, who she could handle, and the hot dude striding up to her. “I’m Jasper,” he introduced, reaching out for Myra’s hand. When she provided it, he lifted it to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles, princess style. Confused and instantly blushing, Myra slowly pulled her hand back as Jasper straightened back up, his bright blue/green eyes burning as they locked onto hers. “I must say, you’ve made quite a splash here. Rhys Marks a mutt once in a while at that bar- sorry, pub- of his, but we’ve never had to rescue them from the brink of death, we just tell them what they are, and most call us crazy and leave after that. But, you…” He leaned in closer to her, charging the air between them with his intense gaze. “You’re different. I can tell. Not only do you have the blood of a dragon, but the heart of one as well. You’re strong. I know some full-fledged dragons that would have died going what you went through.” He continued to stare, Myra continuing to blush all the while, until Rhys finally grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Jasper didn’t resist, but kept his eyes on Myra as he allowed himself to be pulled away. “If you do accept everything about us, I hope you decide to make the transition. I am, of course, happy to help however I can,” he added with a wink before finally responding to Rhys’s prods to return to the kitchen.

  Finally, it was just her and Rhys again. More or less. “Sorry,” he began after a moment, playing with his hair shyly. “He’s a little…”

  “Intense?” Myra supplied with a smile.

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, dropping his hand. “I should have taken time to prepare you for everyone.”

  “That’s alright. My roommate is pretty… headstrong and energetic as well. I’m more or less used to it,” she smiled. “And honestly, even though I’m exhausted from, well, nearly dying, I guess, I feel better equipped to handle things. Like… and don’t laugh at me, but I just couldn’t get up in the mornings. I feel like I can do it now. I can handle a group of people in a way I couldn’t before. It’s like there was… a fog in my brain as well as the pain in my guts, and I didn’t realize how heavily it weighed me down before. …I never thought I would be able to feel like this. Like how a normal person feels. And it’s all thanks to you.” Her eyes finally moved up to meet his. “I’m definitely willing to trade all of that for a crazy morning with a bunch of people who think they’re dragons,” she finished with a grin and a daring wink.

  He blushed a little and smiled back at her. “I’m glad to hear it.” Stepping closer to her, he put a hand on her back, gently guiding her deeper into the kitchen after the others. Stepping hesitantly, Myra allowed him to direct her to the table that Tavin and Bonnie were at. Her inner introvert still at play, she sat at the other end of the table. Rhys sat at her left.

  Jasper came to join them a few minutes later, two plates piled with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Myra’s mouth watered at the delicious classic, smiling gratefully at Jasper as he set one of them before her. “Dig in; you need to regain your strength,” he invited with a dashing smile, sliding into the seat to her right.

  Myra didn’t have to be told twice. Eagerly cutting into the pancakes, she took a bite. Before she was finished with that bite, she shoved some bacon in after it, munching happily. Jasper chuckled as he watched her, seeming to be enamored by her ravenousness. Rhys sighed before getting up to fetch his own breakfast.

  Once they had all finished, Tavin unexpectedly spoke up. “So… how much are we telling her?”

  Every head turned to face Myra, their eyes darting between her and Rhys. She turned to him as well, and his face communicated his willingness to go at whatever pace she desired. Her heart warmed at his instinctive kindness.

  Clearing her throat decisively, she turned back to the group, her voice heavy with seriousness… and maybe some fear as well.


  Chapter Five

  “You’ll seriously believe everything we say?” Jasper asked incredulously. “Doubtful.”

  “Give her some credit,” Rhys immediately jumped to defend. “You know mutts are often more inclined
to believe in our existence and magic and everything, thanks to their own inner power.”

  “Guys. How about we let me decide?” Myra sighed, tired of her situation of being caught between two worlds. She could believe. “Just… go.”

  “Alright!” Bonnie cheered. “Is it my turn to explain?”

  “I preferred the method of breaking everything up,” Tavin murmured.

  “Then we’ll do that,” Cynthia decided, turning to Jasper. “History first?”

  “Always,” he smirked, turning from the blonde to Myra. “Alright. So, dragons are real. That’s something you’ve got to understand before anything.”

  Rolling her eyes, Myra nodded. She honestly didn’t care if they were real or not. Obviously, the logic taught to her growing up was that they were fantasy, but was it really that wild of an idea to believe that they were at least a thing once upon a time?

  “Alright. Assuming you understand that,” he continued, giving her a look, “I can begin. So, dragons were once what you’ve heard of in fantasy novels and movies and whatever- big, scaly creatures that breathe fire- but once humans starting hunting anything and everything, they recognized the need to adapt. To blend in.” He paused.

  “Okay, makes sense.”

  Cynthia burst into laughter. “Jasper, ease up! She’s clearly more open-minded than most. We can trust her,” she added with a wink to Myra, bringing a smile to her lips.

  Scowling, Jasper continued. “Dragons were one of the few creatures left with magic at the time- possibly still the case, though we can’t be sure- and they used a vast amount of their power to create a change over every single dragon in existence.”

  “They decided to change and blend in rather than fight, even though they’d clearly be superior to humans?”

  “Sure. Humans are actually unique in their hunger for war,” he replied seriously. “So, in one huge event, every dragon shed their scales, trading their bodies for those of human bodies. Their wings, the most difficult to part with, they kept but disguised.”