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Dragon Soul (Dragon Blood Book 2) Page 4
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"If they do, it's not something they really talk about. As the last pure dragons in the world, they can tend to be a little ashamed of any interactions they had with humans," Gadriel admitted, leading them to one of the larger buildings, where they see their first people. Almost all of them had their wings out, even as they casually chatted with each other as they ate lunch in the open room. They all sent curious glances their way, and Myra realized her own wings were still out. Unused to the stares, she felt like pulling them in, but eventually decided they made her fit in here. She'd likely receive even more stares if she didn't flaunt her dragon side. This was, after all, a community of dragons. She wanted to show she deserved to be there, attention or not.
"Alright if I leave you here to grab lunch? I must go and report your arrival to the Elder Dragons," Gadriel explained before walking a few steps away and releasing his own golden wings, soaring into the sky moments later.
Myra glanced at Rhys nervously, biting her lip. Although he was clearly a little unsettled too, he took her hand to keep her from feeling alone, for which she was grateful. There was a table at the far wall with plates and food, and they hesitantly walked over to it. The other dragons' stares continued, but no one said anything to them, so, giving each other a small shrug, they filled a couple of plates and sat at the furthest table from the group, which was growing as word got around of their arrival. Myra focused on her food, trying to ignore the fact that everyone was still subtly watching them and murmuring to each other.
"So, are you excited to meet someone you're related to?" Rhys asked to try and break the awkward silence, popping a grape into his mouth.
"Uh... yeah, I guess. Though it's still a little weird to think of a dragon as... family. This whole thing is also just really nerve-wracking."
"Yeah," he quietly agreed, glancing at the crowd of dragons once more. "But hopefully we will only be here long enough to enlist the Elders' help. Once they agree to help us, we'll be out of here. Alright?"
"Of course," Myra nodded, keeping her gaze on her sandwich, ducking her head to try and avoid the heavy stares. They ate in silence after that, each passing minute sitting increasingly heavily on their shoulders as they awaited Gadriel's return. When he did finally come back for them, an hour had passed. The gawking had significantly decreased during that time, though it was clear they were still the main topic of conversation.
"Alright," he said, landing and walking toward them, his footsteps appearing unnaturally light, though his wings remained still behind him. "I apologize for the wait. The Elders had to discuss if they even wanted to see you, and as ancient of creatures as they are, time is rather irrelevant to them."
"What did they decide?" Myra hesitantly asked, pressing her palms into her legs to stop her arms from shaking.
He hesitated, glancing between her and Rhys, when he finally replied. "They're only interested in meeting Myra, I'm afraid."
Myra's vision swirled at the news, and she had to grip the table for stability. She had to face a bunch of full-blooded dragons... without Rhys by her side? But... he was comforting and strengthening to her. How would she be able to bargain with freaking dragons without his aid? How was she supposed to even keep her wits about her? "It's okay," Rhys's voice sounded softly by her side. She managed to peek at him through her eyelids. He gave her a comforting smile. "Myra, you're the strongest dragon I know- even back when you were just a mutt. If anyone can do this, you can. Just focus on how you're part of their clan, as kin, and they would never hurt you. Okay? Just explain the situation. It'll all be fine, and I'll be waiting right outside for you."
She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut once more and forcing her breathing to even. Rhys was right. He was always right, it seemed. She would be fine.
Though she had no idea what she would do if they refused her request.
"Ready?" Gadriel softly asked, waiting patiently at her other side. The onlookers' interest in them sparked back to life at Gadriel's return, and had edged closer to catch his words.
Myra pushed herself up from the table and set her face with determination, turning to Gadriel. "Let's do this," she resolved, though her wings twitched a little from the fear she was trying to bury. "Wish me luck," she murmured to Rhys, who unexpectedly gave her a quick peck on the lips.
"You don't need it, but I will anyway." His eyes were full of concern and caring for her, but she could also feel another feeling rising in him- pride and belief in her.
Bolstered, she smiled back at him and followed Gadriel out from under the overhang. Once their feet hit grass once more, he glanced back at her to ensure she would follow, then leapt into the air. She followed quickly behind him, the strong wingbeats coming naturally to her once more thanks to five days of flying with Rhys, enabling her to keep pace with Gadriel as he led her away from the buildings. They flew for only a few minutes before angling toward another huge clearing. Along one edge were five massive, full-blown dragons lying on the grass.
Myra's wingbeats stuttered at the sight, and she halted in the air. Gadriel sensed her stop and turned to look at her quizzically. When he noticed the look on her face, he flew closer and explained. "You must be newly transitioned. No one explained to you that the Elders were the only dragons who still have access to their dragon forms?"
"N-no," Myra stammered, shivering. "Though Rhys would have told me if he knew."
"Ah, your clan must have been started by a rogue mutt, I'm guessing?"
"Uh... yeah, I think that's what Rhys said. After she helped him transition, he continued helping mutts transition and some of them stuck around to form our clan."
"That makes more sense why you were not taught of our history." He smiled gently at her. "They technically still have their human forms, but only use them when necessary. They're centuries old, thanks to retaining access to their full dragon forms. Dragonkin get a permanent boost to their dragon magic as well, and tend to live longer than mutts, who live only a few decades past humans. ...I would explain more, but we really mustn't keep the Elder Dragons waiting."
"R-right," Myra murmured, freezing as she noticed the dragons peering up at her. Gulping, she finally forced herself to follow Gadriel as he flew down into the middle of the clearing. She landed beside him, though her legs felt unsteady, and she wobbled a little. Now is NOT the time! she growled to herself, shoving aside as much of her fear as she could. Her body regained its strength, and she breathed a sigh of relief before finally turning her attention to the sources of the glittering scales before her.
The five dragons were gold, crimson, sapphire, purple, and black... and they were huge. She came up to about their knees. She was suddenly glad for the huge clearing leaving plenty of room between them. They stared at her, and Gadriel nudged her, so she dropped to one knee to bow. Dipping her head, she spoke as clearly as she could. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. ...Uh, my name is Myra, and... I'm here to ask for your help." She lifted her head as she said this, though she wasn't sure why. It wasn't as though she could read the facial expressions of the dragons. "...My clan is in trouble."
It took a few moments before one of them replied, his voice sounding in her mind as though he was talking by sending her his thoughts. "Myra Taedgin," he rumbled. "You are my kin. Because of this, I do have an urge to help you. However, we cannot help any mutt who happens to find us and request an audience. Dragonkin are our in-between, and only Dragonkin may receive our assistance. It is a rule that was founded a century or so back due to mutts abusing our power with their hormone-driven minds."
"However," he continued, cutting her off. She noticed who was speaking now- it was the purple dragon. He had a knowing glint in his eye as he spoke with her. "We could be persuaded to give you our assistance should you prove yourself worthy of acquiring the title of Dragonkin and everything that goes along with it."
"O-oh. ...What do I have to do?"
The golden dragon now focused on her and spoke, lowering his head to her level.
"You must prove you are a mutt worthy of our trust through a series of trials. Should you prove that you truly have the soul of a dragon, and not just our blood running through your veins, you will be granted the title of Dragonkin, and we will help you save your clan." Myra took a few deep breaths to calm her turbulent emotions. She looked up and met the golden dragon's gaze.
"Alright. When do I start?"
Chapter Six
"You have to go through a bunch of tests?" Rhys repeated after Gadriel had led them both to the building they'd both be staying in. "Why?"
"Well... apparently they won't help me until I become Dragonkin. I guess just being a descendant of one of them isn't enough. They don't trust most mutts- which apparently, they view us as, even though we've transitioned."
"Understandable, I guess, since they're apparently full-on, legendary, full-blooded dragons," he muttered in reply, flopping onto his back in the bed. Myra couldn't help but smile at his reaction to all the news she had for him. "This is seriously crazy. We have no idea what they're even going to ask you to do!" He sat up suddenly, turning to her and taking her hands in his. Her hands warmed instantly in his grasp. "Myra, please don't feel like you have to do this. We... well, we'll find another way. We can find other clans of mutts to help us. I don't want to put you in any danger."
"I'll be fine," Myra murmured in reply, hoping her words sounded comforting despite her heart secretly thumping against her rib cage. When he gave her a disbelieving look, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "It's okay. If I don't pass their tests, then I don't pass, and we'll find mutts to help us. Please don't worry about me."
Rhys hesitated before replying. "Myra... there's more to it, though. Once Dragonkin, I don't think you can ever turn your back on your dragon heritage anymore. You won't have the choice to live as a human anymore." His emotions carried concern for her, as well as a seed of hope. As much as he wanted her to be able to choose for herself, he still hoped she would choose him.
Myra gave him a soft smile and kissed him lightly. "Rhys. I'm a dragon, and I'll always be a dragon, right? I made my choice two years ago. It's just time to finally honor the choice I made and stop trying to run from who I am. ...And from you. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do about Adam, but you're right. Everything he's done for me aside, he's not who I love. ...You are."
Rhys's eyes swam with emotion and he stood and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. His voice cracked a little when he finally spoke. "You don't know how happy that makes me." Finally pulling away a little, he cups her face in one of his hands, his skin warm against her cheek. "Myra, I'd do anything for you. I've already waited two years for you, and I'd wait even longer if I had to. I'd fly to the ends of the earth for you. Because... I love you too."
She smiled against his kiss following the declaration, and warmth blossomed in her chest as he held her close. Somehow, she knew that whatever happened after the tests tomorrow, she would be okay. After all, she would have Rhys by her side, and she'd never needed anything else. She would make it through the trials, and they would find a way to save their clan, one way or the other.
She and Rhys had separate rooms, which felt odd after doing everything together for nearly an entire week, so she didn't sleep well. Separated from him, her anxieties came back to haunt her, making sleep a difficult thing to achieve. She worried over if she'd be able to pass the Elder Dragons' tests for her, what being Dragonkin would even mean for her, how they would save their clan, and how they were even faring, being captive to the hostile clan of dragon mutts. She tossed and turned through the night, her mind alternating between picturing Cynthia, Bonnie, Jasper, and Tavin in captivity, and the Elder Dragons watching her disapprovingly as she stumbled through their trials. She managed to fall asleep at some point during the night, though, since her alarm woke her up the next morning.
Groaning, she rolled out of bed to turn off the alarm. She was glad they had electricity all the way out here, at least. She couldn't really text or call anyone- what would she even say?- but it was comforting to have her phone available regardless. Even if the only use she had for it was for her alarm. The closet was also stocked with clothes to allow for her wings, and she was elated that she'd be able to have a new set of clothes. Maybe they'd even let her keep some of them since she didn't really own any herself.
She showered and dressed quickly, again putting her hair into a tight braid. Who knew what she'd have to do that day, after all? Then she joined Gadriel and Rhys for breakfast in the same place they'd had lunch before. The crowd, apparently having been briefed on why she was there, wished her good luck. Everyone in the city was Dragonkin, and they'd all gone through the screening process themselves. This helped her nerves a little. If this many people had passed the Dragons' tests, then they were unlikely to be as life-threatening as she had imagined through the night.
She finished her breakfast quickly and allowed Gadriel to lead her away from Rhys once more, though it was clear he was loathe to leave her. Still, they didn't have a choice in the matter. The Elders didn't care as much about him as they did her, and were only willing to allow her to become Dragonkin at that time. So he wasn't even allowed to come and watch. It would just be her, possibly Gadriel, and the five Elder Dragons.
Honestly, she was terrified.
But she had to do it. For her friends... for her clan. For herself. She had to try, even if she failed, though she'd try her hardest to not let her clan- and herself- down.
Landing in the clearing this time, she felt stronger and more sure of herself. Despite her nightmares, she had pumped herself up all morning. She managed to make herself believe that she could do it. Now to prove herself right.
"Greetings, Myra Taedgin," the black dragon rumbled in her head. "Are you prepared to face the trials set before you to achieve the Dragonkin honor and title?"
"I am," she replied, keeping her voice steady in her reply.
"Very well then," the sapphire dragon announced, dipping his head to her. "We will begin immediately. ...Myra Taedgin, we have seen your wings that declare you a crimson dragon of passion. However, you must now present to us your dragon magic, to help display just how much dragon is in you, and how well you are in touch with it." The Elders then grow quiet and watch her expectantly.
Display my magic? But... how on earth am I even supposed to do that? Myra groaned to herself. Scrambling in her memories for an idea, she recalled only having one real interaction with her dragon magic- back when Rhys was trying to help her get in touch with it so she could complete her transition. She had managed to locate his magic, and find where it was located. Between that and when he helped her find her own, she hoped she'd be able to stumble through pulling it out and displaying it before the Elders.
Taking deep, steadying breaths, she closed her eyes and pulled at her magic's source in her guts, picturing it flowing out of her fingertips and gathering into an orb floating in front of her chest. She worked slowly, carefully, afraid of what might happen if she lost her hold on the magic while it was outside of her body. She had no idea if it would return, or simply dissipate into the air, the wind ready to snatch it away from her forever. Shuddering, she focused on the task at hand. Once it was all outside of her body, she risked peeking at it. There it was- a large, glowing gold orb with sparkles of other colors seeded throughout. Glancing at the dragons to confirm they'd seen and appraised it, she guides the magic back inside of her, finally relaxing once the process finished. I think that went well, all things considered, Myra smiled to herself, feeling huge relief at having her magic safely back inside her body once more.
"Very good," the sapphire dragon accepted, sounding pleased. "Your next task will prove more taxing than the last, I'm afraid." Lowering his head to look her in the eye, he continued, "We must see your physical prowess in battle. You will fight our most recent addition to the Dragonkin," he continued, indicating the newcomer. He must have arrived while she was busy displaying her m
agic. He smiled kindly at her and began walking her way, his dark, chocolaty wings stretched out behind him. "We do not fight often, but it is sometimes necessary- such as when saving your clan from threats," the sapphire dragon winked. "Theo will guide you through it. Take however long you need."
"Thanks," Myra muttered in response, though she truthfully didn't feel overly grateful she was being forced to battle a Dragonkin.
"Don't worry- you're going to be nearly halfway done after this," Theo comforted, coming to a stop before her. His smile was bright and full of understanding. "You'll do great, I'm sure of it. They're pretty kind about this part for first-timers especially, and I'm here to help."
"Though you're also my opponent," Myra repeated, feeling confused.
"Yes, well, it's more of a teachable sparring moment than a true fight," he admitted, flashing another brilliant smile. "Ready?" he asked, squatting a little.
Myra mirrored the move, though apprehension still weighed heavily in her chest. She'd never fought before, and she wasn't sure what to do or what to expect. She just hoped the dragon in her would take over and guide her through the motions. She had to impress the dragons and become Dragonkin. She wasn't sure there was still time to search for and recruit other clans of mutts for help to rescue her clan. Saving them was all up to her... right now.
She desperately hoped she wouldn't let them down.
Closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths, she makes sure to deepen the connection she had to her dragon side. She hadn't taken a pill that morning, sure it was akin to cheating, and while she was relieved she'd made that choice when she had to display her dragon magic, she sure wished she could have had its strengthening power now. Still, she felt confident enough in her connection to her inner dragon to open her eyes and give Theo a brief nod, indicating for him to begin.