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Dragon Soul (Dragon Blood Book 2) Page 5
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He started with a slow attempt to strike her stomach, which she easily batted aside. After a few more attacks that slowly increased in speed and strength, she felt elated. It was working. Her dragon was guiding her movements and strengthening her. Feeling more bold at the realization, she began to press her own attack, surprising Theo. He stumbled back a bit, warding off her blows, before returning the favor. The fight instantly picked up at that point, and their moves were almost too quick to follow with her human eyes. As the fight grew heavier and more desperate, Myra started to think ahead for how to win the battle. They'd been sticking to the ground, fighting like humans, when they had a whole other part of themselves that would help add another layer to their attacks.
Planning carefully, she waited until there was an opening. He expected her to strike and take advantage of his lapse, but she pumps her wings hard instead, somersaulting over him. As she lands, she spins and lands a powerful kick to his side, knocking him onto the ground before he could even turn around. He didn't move for a moment, and the victory that had just begun to set in vanished in an instant. "Oh- Theo! Oh no, are you okay?!" she dropped to her knees beside him, her hands running over his body to check for damage. He stirred a moment later, turning from his side onto his back with a grunt.
"Ouch," he chuckled before opening his eyes and sitting up. "I'm okay," he assured her, waving away her anxious hands. "You just caught me off-guard. I'll be fine."
"I'm so sorry," Myra replied, sniffling from the tears that still threatened. "I shouldn't have done that."
"You're fine," he repeated, giving her a warm smile. "Promise. You did really well. Much better than I expected. You haven't fought before, right?"
She shook her head, a small, relieved smile lifting her lips. "I just trusted my dragon."
Theo's grin widened at that. "I've never seen a mutt more suited to be Dragonkin." He heaved himself to his feet and patted her on the shoulder. "I look forward to getting to know you better after this is all over." With that, he excused himself and flew away.
The purple dragon's eyes glittered with pride as she walked back to them. "Most impressive, Myra Taedgin. Most impressive indeed. You have not only shown you can easily learn to fight, but you displayed your compassion for another Dragonkin, and trust in your own dragon. But there are two more things we must do to test your preparedness to become Dragonkin."
The black dragon joined back in at this. "Dragons are what humans would call 'pack animals.' We honor our ties to kin and to clan. We know of your choice to turn your back on your clan previously. Since you are here fighting for them, we see that you care for them, but we must know- how deep does your loyalty to them lie? Would you abandon them again after this has passed?"
Myra hung her head a little, shame burning through her. He was right- she'd abandoned them. They were practically her family now, and she'd just left without a thought to how it would affect them. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she forced herself to meet the black dragon's heavy gaze. "It's true that I left the clan a couple of years back. I was... afraid. Afraid of what it would mean to live life as a dragon. I tried to flee back to the comfort of my life as a human, but truthfully, it ate me up inside the entire time I wasn't with them. I was turning my back on a huge part of myself... but I've come to realize these past few days that I also inadvertently turned my back on them as well. My clan... my only family. What I'm doing to help them now in no way fixes the wounds I've caused- I know that. But I also know that my clan is just that- it's mine. And I love them. My renewed dedication to them has all but vanquished my desire to return to my human life. It's... not what I want anymore. I will do everything within my power to repair my family and to stay with them from here on out. I swear it."
The giant golden eye stared at her for a moment longer before the black dragon finally lifted his head once more. "That is satisfactory to me."
Myra hardly had time to breathe a sigh of relief before the next dragon, the crimson one, chimed in. "There is one last test we must administer to you. It will be overwhelming to you, but it is necessary for me to truly gauge if you have the soul of a dragon within you."
Myra breathed out deeply, feeling her hands shake from the pressure and nerves she'd been under for the past few hours. "Whatever it takes."
His eyes glowed and he snaked his long neck toward her, resting his head in the grass so their eyes could meet more easily. "We must do a soul merge. I require nothing from you but your permission to draw out your soul and pull it into my body with mine. Momentarily." Myra nodded, her whole body trembling now. That sounded horrific, not to mention painful and possibly mentally scarring. Still, she'd pledged to do what she could for her clan, and she meant it. "Simply stare into my eye, and I will begin the process."
Myra felt weak inside, but did as he directed. She soon felt encompassed by the glowing amber of his eye, thin strands of magic flowing through it. With a jolt, she felt as though she were being yanked toward the dragon, and before she knew it, she was inside his body. She looked through his eyes and saw her body fall to the ground. She felt like she should panic, but she was too swept up by the beauty and power of the dragon she was... possessing? Pure magic coursed through his veins, thrumming and pulsing as though it caused his heart to pump, rather than the other way around. Though he didn't move, she felt as though he had the strength to tear a mountain apart with the same ease he gave to flying. Everything he saw was laced with magic, making the area appear to be teeming with life, though to Myra, all she saw were trees and grass. She flexed his wings without thinking.
Sorry! she thought to him.
He chuckled in response, and she felt the rumble in his chest. Dearest Myra, you have nothing to apologize for. It is rare for a human- even a mutt- to see the full scope of what it means to be a dragon. You feel at home in my body, for you truly bear the soul of a dragon. ...I must, however, send you back to your body, so if you would please decide that you are willing to part from my body...
Oh, right, okay, Myra thought back, feeling bashful as she mentally released her grip on his body. Her vision swirled until it became her own once more. She sat up from the ground, feeling drained, weak, and blind after seeing everything the dragon could see.
As she sat up, she realized the clearing was glowing gold, similarly to when she would take one of the dragon-magic-boosting pills. "What's happening?" she asked, managing to regain her footing.
"Myra Taedgin," the purple dragon began, striding toward her and touching the tip of his snout to her chest. "I'm pleased to announce that you passed every test." As he spoke in her mind, the other dragons moved to circle around her, each managing to touch her with their snouts as well. "We are infusing you with the power required to mark you as Dragonkin." The golden haze over the area began to pull in and condense as it was pulled closer to her. She watched, knowing she'd normally feel fear in this situation, but instead she just felt peace and power. This was what she was called to do... to be. She was born to be a dragon, but more than that, she was destined to be Dragonkin. It all felt right to her in a way she'd never thought could happen. The golden magic finally seeped into her, and her skin grew warm, then hot. She began sweating as her internal temperature increased, but the dragons pressed on, infusing her with more and more power.
Then, it was as if a switch had been flipped. She cooled instantly, and the dragons pulled away at last. Looking herself over, she frowned. "I don't feel all that different."
The dragons gave her toothy smiles at that. "You will see, Myra. It worked, trust me," the crimson dragon confirmed. "You'll realize the extent of your new powers and strengths as opportunities come to use them."
"Alright. Well... thank you," she smiled in return, pride pounding in her chest. She did it. Now, only one thing remained. She'd have to petition the Elders once again for aid to her clan.
And that would be the true test.
Chapter Seven
"Congratulations," a warm voice behind her said.
Myra turned, surprised she had completely forgotten that Gadriel had stayed for the entire duration of the trials. "Oh, thank you," she smiled.
He dipped his head in a small bow to her before straightening and spreading his wings. "I will go and fetch Rhys for you. We'll be back soon." With that, he was gone. She realized now, watching him fly alone, that he could fly nearly twice as fast as she could. He'd been slowing down for her. So Dragonkin fly faster... good to know. I wonder what other aspects of myself have been heightened thanks to this gift from the Elder Dragons?
"Myra," the purple dragon spoke up once Gadriel had vanished from view. "I'm sure you have many questions. While we like to let Dragonkin discover their new abilities on their own, there are some other questions I can answer."
"Like... about how we're connected?" Myra hesitantly asked, turning back to her draconic ancestor.
The corners of his mouth pulled upward into a small smile. "Yes. I know you are curious to learn about your family, particularly since your parents passed away."
"Wait- how did you know that?" Myra gasped through her tightening throat. Strange- she hadn't cried about her parents in years. Perhaps Dragonkin feel heightened emotions as well.
The dragon settled to the grass in front of her while the others looked on curiously. It seemed even they didn't know the story he was about to tell her. "My name is Kalseru. As a human, I go by Kal. Before I begin, please know how great the trust I have in you is, by telling you my name. Do not share it with anyone else. If you must use my name, please just use Kal. I'm sorry to say that as full dragons, we are still heavily cautious and take every precaution to evade discovery."
"I understand," Myra accepted, dipping her head to him in acknowledgement.
"I have, over the years, grown rather fond of my human form. While most of the Elders don't venture into that form anymore, I have for a short time every few years, just to keep in touch with the goings-on of human life. We cannot be blind to our neighbors in any case. It was while I was in this form that I met and fell in love with a human. She was as kind as could be, and passionate as anyone I'd ever seen. She loved her paintings, children... life in general. It was what drew me to her. I believe you've inherited your passionate nature from her," he continued, his great eye swimming with emotion. My affinity for painting, too, apparently, Myra thought, a happy glow settling about her as a connection to her family was finally realized.
"...She was your grandmother," he continued, compassion coloring the words as they entered her mind. "And I lost her. She died giving birth to your father, despite having transitioned into a partial dragon during the pregnancy. Unfortunately it still happens once in a while, even among dragons," he sighed, a far-away look now weighing in his eyes. "I had to give your father to an adoption center... my time as a human was up- I had to return to the other Elders. I was able to keep tabs on him, though, and even attended his wedding, though he had no idea who I was. It was easier to keep it that way, given the life I live, secluded from the world. My visits among the humans grew too frequent during that time, and mutts began tracking me back to our hiding place. I had to stay away for longer than I liked, and by the time I felt it safe enough to return, your parents were gone. I never even knew they'd had a daughter- you- until you arrived here yesterday. Though it does explain how your dragon magic is stronger than other mutts these days. You have much less human thinning out your dragon blood."
"D... did you ever find out how they died?" she choked as she asked the question. Swallowing, she continued. "I was young enough that I was just told it was an accident before they shipped me off to live with my mom's sister."
"I'm afraid not," he sadly informed her. "I was soon discovered once again by ill-meaning mutts and had to disappear. I suspect the same group that found and hassled me is the one who took your clan." Rhys arrived as he finished saying this, landing at Myra's side. Her shoulders eased at his presence, though she hadn't even known they had been so tense in the first place.
"Hey," he greeted with a smile, though he regarded the dragons nervously. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "I heard from Gadriel that you did it- you're Dragonkin now!"
"Yeah," she confirmed, though the happiness she tried to project didn't quite reach her voice. She was too stunned by Kalseru's revelations. "I did it."
"So, are you going to help us save our clan?" he asked, turning to the gathered Elders.
Kalseru spoke once more. "Well, it is dangerous for us to leave this place, even in the guise of humans or mutts. However, as Myra is now kin to us, we do wish to help. Please allow us to discuss among ourselves for a moment before we can give you a reply. I will see what we can do, though." He drew his head closer to Myra, and Rhys subconsciously shuffled back a few steps at his approach, though she easily stood her ground. Her fear regarding the dragons had vanished. They really did feel as much of a family to her as her clan with Rhys. "My kin needs her family, after all." With a wink to her, he turned and the dragons began conversing, though Myra and Rhys were left out of the conversation.
"So, Myra," Gadriel began, beaming proudly at her. "Now that you are Dragonkin, you have a family, a clan, here as well. You do not have to reside with us, but in case anything ever happens to your clan, please know that you are also a member of this clan as well."
"Oh. Thank you," Myra smiled in return. She didn't plan on trading in her clan for this one, but she was comforted knowing that the other Dragonkin would welcome her back with open arms should she need anything.
"We have figured out a compromise," Kalseru began, turning back to them. "We cannot safely enter the world beyond our safe haven here, but we can certainly spare a few Dragonkin. Gadriel, would you gather seven others to go with you to aid Myra and Rhys in their quest to save their clan?"
"It would be my pleasure," Gadriel grinned, bowing before winging back to the city of Dragonkin.
"I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for me," Myra stammered, her heart pounding with gratitude as her eyes filled with tears. On impulse, she rushed forward and threw her arms around Kalseru's great neck. He froze, then started shrinking. She backed away, watching as he became a human, looking distinguished with the grey hairs at his temples and peppered throughout his black hair. He wore a sharp suit, and his golden-brown eyes were warm. He extended his arms toward her and gestured for a hug. Beaming, she obliged and was swept into his strong embrace. He smelled faintly like cinnamon, and she felt like crying. Her grandfather. She'd finally met her grandpa, and here she was at last, hugging him!
"My dear Myra." Kal held her at arm's length and looked at her, his eyes swimming with pride. "I could not be happier to have found you, myself. Please come and visit as you can and brighten up the days that have grown long and flat for me."
"Of course," she nodded, the tears now running down her cheeks. Chuckling awkwardly, she quickly swiped them away, giving him a bashful smile as she did so. "Sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for," he smiled. "Now, as much as I long for you to stay, you have a clan to save."
"Right," she sniffled, nodding. She hesitantly allowed her feet to carry her back toward Rhys, though her eyes lingered on her grandfather. Giving her another understanding smile, he waved for her to go before returning to his dragon form. As she followed Rhys into the air, she glanced back and swore she noticed sadness and longing swirling in his giant golden eyes.
Rhys took her hand as they flew, hoping to comfort her. She gave him a small smile and focused on calming her emotions. No need to be seen crying when she met the group of Dragonkin that would be coming with them. She wiped away the remaining tears from her cheeks with her free hand and drew deep breaths, thankfully finding it a simple matter to calm and straighten out her jumbled emotions. Thank heavens with the heightened emotions came the ability to control them better. Still, she'd likely need practice experiencing and controlling her new highs and lows.
When they landed back at the meal area, their group was already s
tanding there, ready to meet them. Gadriel she knew, but she hadn't had time to meet any of the other Dragonkin yet. When she touched down in front of the group, a girl with blue hair broke away and threw her arms around Myra. "Congratulations!" she squealed too loudly in Myra's ear. "You're our first new Dragonkin in... decades, probably! I'm so excited to meet you!"
"Uh... you too," Myra responded, blushing as the rest of the group swarmed around her and said similar things, many of them telling her their names, though it was hard to pick much out from the clamor. Rhys slipped away before he could be crushed by the bodies swarming her.
Luckily, it didn't take long before Gadriel's voice rose over the others'. "Hey! I know it's been a while, but please, let's not overwhelm Myra. She just finished with her trials, after all."
"Oh, I'm so embarrassed..."
Everyone murmured ashamedly as they broke up to give Myra some space, and Gadriel gave her a bright smile. "Come, let's get you something to eat, and I can introduce the group." Putting a gentle hand at her back, he guided her toward the tables of food. It seemed everyone else had already eaten, though, and they'd left the rest out for her. Feeling everyone's eyes on her, she grabbed a plate and quickly selected some items before slipping into a seat at the nearest table. Everyone filed in around her. Gadriel sat across from her, and Rhys stuck by her side. The blue-haired girl sat at her other side, still bubbling with happy energy. Myra was surprised to find that most of the group were girls.
Noticing her confused glance, one of the girls smiled. "Girls tend to be more in touch with their dragon side- as mutts and as Dragonkin. So you'll find there are more of us than the guys, more often than not."
"Ah. That makes sense, I suppose. Thank you."
She smiles, her white-blonde hair slipping out from behind her ear as she does so. "Not a problem, Myra. We're happy to answer any questions you may have and help you slip into your new role as Dragonkin. My name is Sylvia, by the way."